Saturday, April 11, 2009
I Think I'm Ditching My Blogger
Hey everyone. Well the time has come to ditch my blogger account. I was given the opportunity to start a new blog at our church website. Here's the link if you wanna check it out. I can still post videos and Mp3's and such of upcoming music as well as pictures. I'm gonna keep my Facebook and Myspace to keep in touch with friends. I'll use the Facebook mainly to post pictures of family for my dear sweet Momma. I know that I have posted some personal stuff on here but I think I will use my closest friends for that kind of stuff as that has gotton me in trouble a couple times. I hope to see you guys comment on my new site. Goodbye my dear blogger. I remember when I created you doing a worship set at our first 24 hour IHOP meeting and the name Throne Room Lush just popped out of nowhere.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
More Studio Time
Well I have been slowly but surely making time in the studio. Last night a group a friends got together and sang. Something we have done often in the past. Let me tell you how privileged I felt being in the presence of people who love God as much as they do. There is a certain kind of anointing that happens when we all get together and sing that really can't be replaced. I am happy to say also that my beautiful wife was able to finally use her God given talent and sing with us on all these tracks. It was a beautiful thing to hear her. She has a strong rich voice and great tone. Anyway, enough braggin on the wife. Here are some pics and vids of the night. Enjoy.

Click this to go to my You Tube page to watch more videos of my recording adventures

Click this to go to my You Tube page to watch more videos of my recording adventures
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Kingdom of Comfort
This is a video I made to go along with what I will be speaking about on the 24th. Let me know what ya think.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I'm Going Deeper On This
**This started out as an e-mail to everyone who participated in singing and arranging the carol that we sung on Sunday. But it quickly turned into something I did not expect so I decided to e-mail everyone in my address book here at Yahoo. So to the carolers and arrangers, Thank you. It was really fun and good to hang out a little with everyone. God has blessed us with great talent in the church.**
Here's what was coming out as I was writing my thanks
Everyone did a great job remembering the lyrics. I am quite sure that I, myself, will remember my part of the song for the rest of my years. All while being somewhat oblivious as to what everyone else was saying in the song. I must say I had to concentrate. This made me think of something interesting. I'm not gonna get all preachy and weird but check this out. This carol is a really intricate process of melodies and harmonies each having a distinct part. When each line is sung, it forms a rhythmic choral progression. Each melody or harmony is working as one to achieve the goal which is the song. With this being said, something hit me. Each of us were responsible for own part. We each had our own job to do to create the song. Look at it this way. The song could basically be recorded in separate places at separate times and as long as it is in the same rhythm and the same key. It will unite the melodies and harmonies and create one song. With that being said I decided to formulate a question to myself.
Could the melodies and harmonies represent the will of God in our lives?
Not what the words say but in how they are sung to form a song. If each of us is living out the will of God in our lives. Is it possible that Christ-like unity would flood the church? Could our lives intricately be woven together to create a beautiful song, maybe a new one? When each of our lives are walked out in Gods will we inadvertently unify ourselves with His kingdom, thus creating the new song that resonates from earth into heavenly places.
Let me explain my view about the new song. I believe the perfect will of God is harmonious and rhythmic. If we are created in His image, then we could say that God has used rhythm to represent the very essence of existence that being through a beating heart. Each of our steps walked, each of our prayers prayed is a blending of rhythmic patterns and harmonies. When we sync ourselves with Gods will in our own lives, we take part in His song as a whole. A song that will resonate from the earth when all flowing together in divine unity, not a man made strive to agree unity.
Knowing this gave me a new perspective about when people are called to other places or when I find myself worrying about things I don't need to worry about. In being oblivious to all the parts but confidently knowing my own I was able to accomplish the perfect will of this song. What if I could translate that into playing my part in Gods eternal song? What if we all, truly lay our lives down and begin to axe away at that giant log in our eyes? What if we take the proverbial finger and point it inward? How could we deeply change our lives by simply focusing on the posture of our hearts before the Lord?
I had never doubted the fact that the new song will arise. My question now is, how loud will it be? And to answer that, I would say, intense, kind of like a roar.
Here's what was coming out as I was writing my thanks
Everyone did a great job remembering the lyrics. I am quite sure that I, myself, will remember my part of the song for the rest of my years. All while being somewhat oblivious as to what everyone else was saying in the song. I must say I had to concentrate. This made me think of something interesting. I'm not gonna get all preachy and weird but check this out. This carol is a really intricate process of melodies and harmonies each having a distinct part. When each line is sung, it forms a rhythmic choral progression. Each melody or harmony is working as one to achieve the goal which is the song. With this being said, something hit me. Each of us were responsible for own part. We each had our own job to do to create the song. Look at it this way. The song could basically be recorded in separate places at separate times and as long as it is in the same rhythm and the same key. It will unite the melodies and harmonies and create one song. With that being said I decided to formulate a question to myself.
Could the melodies and harmonies represent the will of God in our lives?
Not what the words say but in how they are sung to form a song. If each of us is living out the will of God in our lives. Is it possible that Christ-like unity would flood the church? Could our lives intricately be woven together to create a beautiful song, maybe a new one? When each of our lives are walked out in Gods will we inadvertently unify ourselves with His kingdom, thus creating the new song that resonates from earth into heavenly places.
Let me explain my view about the new song. I believe the perfect will of God is harmonious and rhythmic. If we are created in His image, then we could say that God has used rhythm to represent the very essence of existence that being through a beating heart. Each of our steps walked, each of our prayers prayed is a blending of rhythmic patterns and harmonies. When we sync ourselves with Gods will in our own lives, we take part in His song as a whole. A song that will resonate from the earth when all flowing together in divine unity, not a man made strive to agree unity.
Knowing this gave me a new perspective about when people are called to other places or when I find myself worrying about things I don't need to worry about. In being oblivious to all the parts but confidently knowing my own I was able to accomplish the perfect will of this song. What if I could translate that into playing my part in Gods eternal song? What if we all, truly lay our lives down and begin to axe away at that giant log in our eyes? What if we take the proverbial finger and point it inward? How could we deeply change our lives by simply focusing on the posture of our hearts before the Lord?
I had never doubted the fact that the new song will arise. My question now is, how loud will it be? And to answer that, I would say, intense, kind of like a roar.
Monday, November 03, 2008
Feeling Sick/Cops At My Door
Today I feel super sick and had to miss my Monday team. This stinks because I like my Monday team and it's beginning to grow and flow a lot better. All this said I feel like crizap. My head hurts, I'm in and out of the bathroom which seems like a constant. My stomach also hurts. I'm really hoping that I didn't eat some bad chicken at the chinese buffet yesterday.
*knock at the door - 1:20pm* Cop at the door, "Is someone with you inside" Me "Just me and my daughter", "Are you sure", "Yes", "Can I walk out your back door to be sure that I have the right apartment", "Sure but I have to warn you that the back of the house is kinda messy right now", "That's OK,(on his cb), it's the next apartment over", Me "Something I should know about", "Oh we just chased this guy and he went into that apartment", "OK, good luck", "Thanks"
Man, these apartments stink. I can't stand being here any more and I want my kids to grow up in a house, rented or owned, but at least with a yard. And preferably without hoodlums. So as I lay here feeling ever so cruddy and missing my Monday team, I will pray that we somehow get into a house by the time my lease is up in July. Ahhhhh.
*knock at the door - 1:20pm* Cop at the door, "Is someone with you inside" Me "Just me and my daughter", "Are you sure", "Yes", "Can I walk out your back door to be sure that I have the right apartment", "Sure but I have to warn you that the back of the house is kinda messy right now", "That's OK,(on his cb), it's the next apartment over", Me "Something I should know about", "Oh we just chased this guy and he went into that apartment", "OK, good luck", "Thanks"
Man, these apartments stink. I can't stand being here any more and I want my kids to grow up in a house, rented or owned, but at least with a yard. And preferably without hoodlums. So as I lay here feeling ever so cruddy and missing my Monday team, I will pray that we somehow get into a house by the time my lease is up in July. Ahhhhh.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Shulamite Invitational
Well this was my first fundraiser to ever put on or be in charge of. It was pretty nerve racking but I'm glad to say that everything turned out way better than I could have imagined. The fundraiser was to raise funds needed to purchase equipment to further the process of opening a recording studio. Eventually it would be nice to be able to have a quality recording studio to record music, messages and whatever. Not only that but to help singer/songwriters and worship teams from other churches with a chance to record a quality cd. We also want to be able to extend our services in a mobile sense going to there place of worship to record live. It's a dream but I believe that God wants to bless it. We made a lot more than I ever could of thought. Plus we had fun and got to communify a bunch. The fundraiser consisted of a hog roast, silent bake auction, hay ride, skateboard ramps, a bonfire, wonderful Indiana October weather, good music and finally a horseshoe tournament. Yep, a horseshoe tournament. There are a lot of good horseshoe players out there and we were able to set up a eight team tournament with one late entry. The battles were fierce and the finals ended up being Rick Thompson and Michael (the wonderful man who roasted the hog) vs. Kris Scheid and myself. It was a hard fought game as we were in the lead. Then I threw my second ringer which was canceled as Rick threw his own upon mine. This cancellation gave Rick and Mike the lead. The game eventually was getting to be a nail biter as the score was suddenly 19-19 (we play to 21). It was Mikes all came down to Kris. Two more points is all we need...............he throws...............1 point..............................last skips...............right into a point. We ended up winning 21-19. We came away with the "Golden Shoes" which we have to put on the line next year at The First Annual Shulamite Invitational. Like I said, lots of fun and we raised more money than expected. I think I could only possibly put together a fundraiser once a year. Too stressful to do this for a living.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Blog Censorship
Well I had to censor some earlier comments in an earlier post. I guess when you want to vent or ask yourself questions in a public viewable way, you can't always expect people see it in the right perspective.
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