Recently I stumbled upon something Rick Joyner had wrote that was entitled "Warning Signs Of A Religious Spirit". It was very interesting and insightful. Not only did I recognize the signs in myself. It also led me to think about what I am involved in. You see, my desire is to be as close to God as I can. I realize I am further away than what I want to be. I also am aware that I can't compare my walk to anyone elses. It is unbenificial for me to look at someone elses life and make that the standard of my spiritual journey. I need to do what God wants me to. In reading this I was surprised at my own tendencies of judgement. But I also believe that there is no one who has never thought these thoughts....NO ONE. It is an awakening. Let God deal with the wicked and unjust.
Ecc 3:14-17 I've also concluded that whatever God does, that's the way it's going to be, always. No addition, no subtraction. God's done it and that's it. That's so we'll quit asking questions and simply worship in holy fear. Whatever was, is. Whatever will be, is. That's how it always is with God. I took another good look at what's going on: The very place of judgment--corrupt! The place of righteousness--corrupt! I said to myself, "God will judge righteous and wicked." There's a right time for every thing, every deed--and there's no getting around it. (The Message of course)
Now I know that most of everything that Rick Joyner says is credible. And I do know he is right on most of the time. But when you read this ask God to reveal it in your own heart and separate the wheat from the chaff. Ask God to reveal to you what is truth, not Rick Joyner. Remember God sees you the same. A lovable son or daughter.
Warning Signs Of A Religious Spirit:
1. Tend to see your primary mission as tearing down what you think is wrong.
2. The inability to take a rebuke, especially from those you judge less-spiritual.
3. A philosophy that will not listen to other people, only to God.
4. Overwhelming guilt that you can never measure up to God's standard.
5. The tendency to see more of what is wrong with people and other churches, than what is right with them.
6. The belief that you have been appointed to "fix" everyone else.
7. A leadership style that is bossy, overbearing, and intolerant of the failures of others.
8. A sense that you are closer to God than other people or that your life/ministry is more pleasing to God than other's.
9. The belief that you are on the "cutting edge" of what God is doing.
10. A mechanical prayer life.
11. Constantly doing things so that people will notice.
12. The tendency to be suspicious of or oppose new movements in other churches.
13. The inability to join or endorse anything you deem is not "perfect".
14. The belief that you discover deep new meanings in Scripture that nobody else has seen before.
15, If while reading these warning signs, you were thinking of how they apply to someone else, you may have a serious problem with religious spirit.
Ouch right, if this is what the religious spirit does, I'd say we all need to evaluate our conversations with God and others. Remember this though and it might help. You are responsible with what God has given you. No more, no less. What God has given you is what's in His word. Everything is to be tested by scripture and prayed after for understanding. I was once told by a leader that I shouldn't look so grumpy on Sunday because I lead worship. I said "I'm not going to lie about my life cause it's Sunday". He responded with "Well if your not going to be happy then maybe you shouldn't lead" Be transparent? Yeah right!