"A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell. " - C.S. Lewis
Well the bass parts are done, now the focus begins on guitar overdubs. This is the funnest part for me. This is a time where the creative juices start to flow. The layering everything together starts to happen about this time. Then, all that would be left is the vocals which can be tedious. Then the final mix. Ahhhh, we are so close. After it is all mixed I want to place the Cd in a couple of good artists hands, and let them listen to it. I want the art on the Cd to represent what is inside, on the Cd. I don't want some cheesy picture of me staring off into the sunset, or better yet, leaning up on a building wall in the city somewhere. Those cover shots have been done over a hundred times. I really want good solid God ordained art on the cover. Which leads me to the best transition of all. My friend Ryan is not only a dear brother, but a phenomenal artist. Not only is he an artist he is a musician and muralist as well. I can't wait to get this Cd in Ryan's hands to see what God comes up with. I am a little scared though as I know Ryan will not pour on the fluff as to what he thinks about the music on the Cd (be gentle bro). Anyway, Here is some of Ryan's art. Remember that these murals are on flat walls. The one in the big auditorium is at Morning Star where Ryan goes to church in North Carolina. Check these out.
I went to my Dads today to record more tracks on the bass. I'm using a Fender Jazz bass that is way scratched up with stickers everywhere. When I play it I feel like Krist Novoselic(for those who don't know, He was the bassist for Nirvana). It just made me feel real punk rock, like I wanted to play bass with a pick. Anyway, I'll take some pics and share em' with ya. So far I've got bass down on:
If I Fall Ran Away Comin' Home Remain Thunder In Me
We still have:
I Believe You Are Good You Alone I'm Alive Sacrifice
I go back on Wednesday to finish the rest. Thus far it has gone smooth, after I lay all the bass down we can start concentrating on the production of the song. Vocals will be the last thing to record which will be the hardest. More later.
Well my Internet is up and running again (I must say at a cost $$) and I am now able to update. I had a great time with my family at Cedar Point and I was able to ride a coaster that shoots you 120 mph up a vertical 420 ft track. It was quite the rush. If I ever go to Cedar Point again it will be in the beginning of June. We didn't have to wait any longer than 30-40 minutes to get on a ride. Some, you could just walk right on and only have to wait for the next car to come. We rode all but 3 and some twice. So it was a lot of fun. Next week it's back in the studio for a couple of days to lay down bass tracks for the rest of the songs. I hope it goes smoothly. I'm gonna try to get a Cd of what we've done this far so I can start to listen to these songs more often. Just to see if any ideas come. Next week, I also embark on the journey of a road that was once traveled. And this time, I intend to clear the path.
"But the prodigal did not stay way, There was a destiny he had to keep. And I may have gave my mind a dirty day. But tonight I've got floors to sweep" - Don Chaffer