This is a great video to demonstrate a wonderful biblical principal. Watch closely as the man lets out a boastful sneer before showing you his skills. When I first saw this I laughed so hard I got a near migrane. My humor is weird sometimes
It could happen to any one of us
Saturday, April 30, 2005
My Prayer Today
Here is my prayer today God. "Lord I need Your strength today more than ever. God I ask that You would release a spirit of self control within me. I want You to be my stronghold Jesus that I might rely on You more than relying on my own strength. Hear my prayer oh God. And Father would You arise on behalf of me, Your son, and keep me protected from the evil ones schemes. Speak Your destiny and Your will for my life to me Lord that my life would glorify Your Son Jesus. In Jesus name, Amen"
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Transparency Question Answered
Recently I shared a snibit on transparency and I recieved this question.
"We label, and none of it's right. We have to treat each individual as they come, because in the end, there are no stereotypical people, right? What I'm wondering is this -- how do we break ourselves of this? Is transparency truly attainable?"
My answer:
I do believe that aspects of transparency are attainable, what I do not believe is the church will ever be able to accept somebody truly as they are in the midst of sin. The bible says this:
"John 2:23 During the time he(speaking of Jesus)was in Jerusalem, those days of the Passover Feast, many people noticed the signs he was displaying and, seeing they pointed straight to God, entrusted their lives to him. 2:24 But Jesus didn't entrust his life to them. He knew them inside and out, knew how untrustworthy they were. 2:25 He didn't need any help in seeing right through them.".
What this says to me is that men are (in their nature) untrustworthy. Men see what we do for God and they pat us on the back but if we were to show them some of the things, done or thought, in secret they would judge and disown us. Often man exalts himself above another man or exalts other men above other men. Why this is I don't know. This is why we struggle with the fear of man. If we have no fear of man then we can be transparent. See as humans we compare the sins and the accomplishments of man. Why is the pastor considered to be more spiritual than anyone else in the church, or a prophet. Why do people see them more important. Because that's what man tends to do. We recognize categories to place people in and then we rank them spritualy. I will never be transparent with just anyone or with leadership, just as leadership will never be transparent with me or with you. Most cannot afford to be transparent because they are afraid of losing their status or ranking with man. If you knew that a pastor had thought vulgar thoughts of sin would you still listen to what he has to say about the Lord. Or what if your pastor went out and had a drink with some friends. Would you still respect him as a man of God or would you comtemplate leaving the church. If you leave, you no longer believe him to be good enough to lead you as a man of God. The thought "He should not do that because he's a pastor" comes in and he literaly becomes worse the you and in a nut shell, he failed you in a sense. Now does God love him, does God see him any less than you. What tranparency does is crush mans intention for status and it places us where God sees all of us, as sinners. And NO SIN IS GREATER THAN ANOTHER. All this to say transparency can be attained amongst a group of friends holding eachother accountable and are among those not seeking status or a promotion in the church. This can be done with a group of about three to four people at most and I would strongly recommend finding people to have this relationship with. The enemy dwells in the dark areas of our lives. Alot of times when we bring out our junk into the light it is the first step to being free. But we must do this without the fear of being condemed by leadership or peers because that fear will keep us in the same kind of bondage. But until we see the way that Jesus Christ sees, we will always be incapable of truly accepting transparency
"We label, and none of it's right. We have to treat each individual as they come, because in the end, there are no stereotypical people, right? What I'm wondering is this -- how do we break ourselves of this? Is transparency truly attainable?"
My answer:
I do believe that aspects of transparency are attainable, what I do not believe is the church will ever be able to accept somebody truly as they are in the midst of sin. The bible says this:
"John 2:23 During the time he(speaking of Jesus)was in Jerusalem, those days of the Passover Feast, many people noticed the signs he was displaying and, seeing they pointed straight to God, entrusted their lives to him. 2:24 But Jesus didn't entrust his life to them. He knew them inside and out, knew how untrustworthy they were. 2:25 He didn't need any help in seeing right through them.".
What this says to me is that men are (in their nature) untrustworthy. Men see what we do for God and they pat us on the back but if we were to show them some of the things, done or thought, in secret they would judge and disown us. Often man exalts himself above another man or exalts other men above other men. Why this is I don't know. This is why we struggle with the fear of man. If we have no fear of man then we can be transparent. See as humans we compare the sins and the accomplishments of man. Why is the pastor considered to be more spiritual than anyone else in the church, or a prophet. Why do people see them more important. Because that's what man tends to do. We recognize categories to place people in and then we rank them spritualy. I will never be transparent with just anyone or with leadership, just as leadership will never be transparent with me or with you. Most cannot afford to be transparent because they are afraid of losing their status or ranking with man. If you knew that a pastor had thought vulgar thoughts of sin would you still listen to what he has to say about the Lord. Or what if your pastor went out and had a drink with some friends. Would you still respect him as a man of God or would you comtemplate leaving the church. If you leave, you no longer believe him to be good enough to lead you as a man of God. The thought "He should not do that because he's a pastor" comes in and he literaly becomes worse the you and in a nut shell, he failed you in a sense. Now does God love him, does God see him any less than you. What tranparency does is crush mans intention for status and it places us where God sees all of us, as sinners. And NO SIN IS GREATER THAN ANOTHER. All this to say transparency can be attained amongst a group of friends holding eachother accountable and are among those not seeking status or a promotion in the church. This can be done with a group of about three to four people at most and I would strongly recommend finding people to have this relationship with. The enemy dwells in the dark areas of our lives. Alot of times when we bring out our junk into the light it is the first step to being free. But we must do this without the fear of being condemed by leadership or peers because that fear will keep us in the same kind of bondage. But until we see the way that Jesus Christ sees, we will always be incapable of truly accepting transparency
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Weird Dreams
I've been having some weird dreams lately and I would like to share one for your interpretation. Here's how it goes:
I am walking into my old Jr.High School and I walk into the class and I am obviosly tardy. I pick up some papers at the teachers desk which is in the back of the room. The teacher is teaching at the front of the class and I kinda sneak in unnoticed. Before I know it class is over and I am in the hallway of the school and everyone is frantic trying to make it to the next class. I am with my wife who is encouraging me to come to school and to stop ditching so I won't end up being kicked out. Now the dream starts all over again with the same scenario except now I am being called to the main office where the principal is telling me that I can't be allowed to attend the school any longer. Now I am fighting this and our voices are begining to raise. On my right hand side is a guy from voice acting as a lawyer as why I shoudn't be allowed to attend the school any longer and he is saying all kinds of sarcastic things to put me down. I finally have had enough of this and I challenge him to a fight. He agrees. We both stand up and begin to circle eachother as if in a wrestling match. He then proceeds to shoot for my legs in where I manage to sprawl out put him in a headlock and proceed to punch him in the face repeatedly until he gives up (with a bloody nose) we go back to the pricipals office where the guy from voice changes his mind and begins to say good things about me. The principal says nothing and then I wake up.
Well there ya go. If you got any interpretations let me know
P.S. Think I'll be asked to leave
I am walking into my old Jr.High School and I walk into the class and I am obviosly tardy. I pick up some papers at the teachers desk which is in the back of the room. The teacher is teaching at the front of the class and I kinda sneak in unnoticed. Before I know it class is over and I am in the hallway of the school and everyone is frantic trying to make it to the next class. I am with my wife who is encouraging me to come to school and to stop ditching so I won't end up being kicked out. Now the dream starts all over again with the same scenario except now I am being called to the main office where the principal is telling me that I can't be allowed to attend the school any longer. Now I am fighting this and our voices are begining to raise. On my right hand side is a guy from voice acting as a lawyer as why I shoudn't be allowed to attend the school any longer and he is saying all kinds of sarcastic things to put me down. I finally have had enough of this and I challenge him to a fight. He agrees. We both stand up and begin to circle eachother as if in a wrestling match. He then proceeds to shoot for my legs in where I manage to sprawl out put him in a headlock and proceed to punch him in the face repeatedly until he gives up (with a bloody nose) we go back to the pricipals office where the guy from voice changes his mind and begins to say good things about me. The principal says nothing and then I wake up.
Well there ya go. If you got any interpretations let me know
P.S. Think I'll be asked to leave
Monday, April 25, 2005
The Greatest Idol Is You And Me
I've been hearing a resounding "Come Away" lately. Not in a sense of, get alone, spend some time with me and the usual come away. But a deep forsaking come away. I have begun to notice that even the good things in ministry can forever take you away from that place of intimacy with Jesus. I want to know Him. Well how do you get to know someone. You hang out with them.....for a long time. The shadow of His wings is looking alot more tempting these days than ever before. Ahhh to be hidden away where your only responsibility is to give glory to Him. I am convinced that somehow in this season God will raise me up to be a messenger. To what or for what I don't know. But the urgency is there. I think we are losing it, missing the point. I'm not quite there yet. It's o.k. though if I get left behind in a sense for the sake of being right where God wants me to be. I will not fake it. And no I don't agree with everything. Is that o.k. or should I just do what man tells me to do. I'm not afraid. Talk about vapor. It's your passion not mine. You are not responsible for my destiny. So why does it even matter. The other day I heard someone say that "We can go so much further together in this than we can alone". As i do agree with this statement, I want to point out, At what point do we leave those behind and what constitutes leaving them. And whos plan are we following anyway, and why are we following you in the first place. What makes your way more important. If you can't tell, I have grown weary of man depicting his/her agenda on unsuspecting believers who will believe anything the pulpit tells them. Get em in front of Jesus and get out of the way. GET OUT OF THE WAY ALREADY. I am looking forward to the day religion finally dies in this region. Until then I just want to sit before Him, my lover, my beloved. If you got time check this out.
You've got your best man on the front side
You always show your best side
And evil's always on the other side
You say this is your strategy
But son I hope you take it from me
You look just like your enemy
You're full of pride
We better trash our idols if we want to be
In the army of the Lord
And the greatest idol is you and me,
We better get on the threshing floor
When will we learn that God's strategy
Is giving glory to the Lord?
We better trash our idols if we want to be
In the army of the Lord
Star how beautiful you shine
You shine more beautiful than mine
You shine from sea to shining sea
World-wide is your strategy
But shinning star I hope you see
If the whole wide world is staring straight at you
They can't see me..
You've got your best man on the front side
You always show your best side
And evil's always on the other side
You say this is your strategy
But son I hope you take it from me
You look just like your enemy
You're full of pride
We better trash our idols if we want to be
In the army of the Lord
And the greatest idol is you and me,
We better get on the threshing floor
When will we learn that God's strategy
Is giving glory to the Lord?
We better trash our idols if we want to be
In the army of the Lord
Star how beautiful you shine
You shine more beautiful than mine
You shine from sea to shining sea
World-wide is your strategy
But shinning star I hope you see
If the whole wide world is staring straight at you
They can't see me..
Sunday, April 24, 2005
That 1 Guy
This guy built his own instrument and plays it well. You gotta check this out. It's kinda weird but definitly original.
That 1 Guy Video
That 1 Guy Video
Saturday, April 23, 2005
My Tribute
This is a tribute to my beautiful mom. She is unlike any other mom because she so graciously birthed and raised me. My mother is a warrior as she has pushed through many trials and adversity and came out on the other side with her chin up. My mom has always made me feel special in ways that no other person here on earth could. I respect her and I am glad that I have inherited her perserverance as I to face trials in my own life. Everyone who has the chance to know my mom knows that she is kind hearted and has your best interest at heart. She has sacrificed her own needs many times in order to make someone else feel more comfortable. Also what I admire about my mom is that she consistantly tells it like it is. She'll never offer up a helping of B.S. because she would not forgive herself if she allowed someone to remain in their junk. My mom has taught me how to love and to do it with honesty. All in all I love you mom and I would not be who I am today without your prayers and determination to see me walk in victory. To you, I am forever grateful. I love you so much and your legacy of love, trust, self-abandonment and perserverance will live on through my family. I love you mom :) Your beloved son

My Spunky Mom

My Spunky Mom
Today I'm Resting
AAhhhh, Saturdays. Sometimes it can be so wonderful knowing that you have absolutly nothing that you need to do. I'm starting to recognize the importance of God creating a sabbath. My week is so filled with what I like to call, organized chaos/things I gotta do that I forget to just rest. I need days like this where I can sort of recoop from the stresses of life, family and ministry and just rest in the Lord. Not only do I think that it's good to rest but I think that it is something that God desires from us. I understand the verse that talks about the pharisee asking if it is lawful to heal on the sabbath and Jesus busting him out. I mean if my daughter needed help because she crashed her bike outside I mean, c'mon, I would help her. Nevertheless, I believe it is important that we do set aside a day to just rest in the Lord with our families. And if God has other plans then He has room to move. But if he doesn't, I just need that one day.
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Encouragement from my Father
"Push past the bordem Eric, push passed the physical hunger, I am waiting for you and when you get here we will have a celebration, I promise. Do You remember all those times you thought that I had forgotten about you, you know the really dull moments in your life when all you thought you did was eat, sleep and sin (chuckles), well this time and those times mean so much more to Me than they do to you. You cannot prove yourself to Me so just stop trying to do so, and stop trying to prove yourself to you and others. Do you get this? I Am and always will be your portion. You look in so many other places, How much more can I show myself to you before you belive Me. Your love and devotion I adore, now pray that your faith would over shadow your doubt." - GOD
My Rant
I was just thinking about this time that a lady came up to me and said this "I remember when you first started coming here and I was like, who is this guy, because you were dressed all strange and I just think you look much better now". This comment the anonnomous lady made would have been great other than the fact that she just started coming to the church three years ago and I have been here for eight. This made me think about people and the church in general. When this lady said what she said I was instantly hurt. Not because she said I dressed strange but because she really thought I had just started coming here. I was thinking to myself, I have been on this worship team for seven or more years and you never noticed I was there when you first started coming. This just gets to the deeper issue inside of me that says "You don't have a voice at voice" My voice consists of picking songs for worship. I am sick with church and it's programs and it's meetings and it's government. I don't really even want to lead corporate worship anymore or lead any teams. I just want to write music to my lover. I would rather leave the legistics to someone else. There is still something there that wants to be accepted as a man of God from my leadership. maybe one day I'll figure out what that is. Until then I'm just gonna stay silent. The way it should be. In the words of Jason Upton "Cause I’d rather stand here speechless, With no great words to say, If my silence is more truthful, And my ears can hear how to walk in your way"
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
The Rocks Cry Out
This is a song called "Home" that I discovered on the web. I like to do random searches of low key bands because most of the time it seems that they haven't been corupted by popularity or money. So anyway, the band is called "Pure Noodle" and they are no longer playing together and as a matter a fact they called it quits a few years ago. This was the last song on their last album. To the ones who read this I have but one question for you. Are the rocks crying out?
Home-written by pure noodle
My Body is tired of wasting, in the prison of sin where I’m bound
But I hear the call of my captain, such a musical sound
He says child sail away from your sorrow, and come find your life at sea
We choose between shackles or freedom, for I hold the key
So I guess I’m sailing on, straight through the powers that be
No caution to the devils that slow me, for this is my destiny,
Home, I’m sailing home
And we haven’t seen land for a year now, there’s talk we may never be there
But I know those rumors are shallow, in the deep waters here
I pity the man without a vision, I pity the man of many doubts
A pity I know that he’s a dead man, and a man we’ve got to fly without
Yes we will sail home, we’re asking you to be our shipmate and sail home.
p.s. this is what us christianers call a secular band
Home-written by pure noodle
My Body is tired of wasting, in the prison of sin where I’m bound
But I hear the call of my captain, such a musical sound
He says child sail away from your sorrow, and come find your life at sea
We choose between shackles or freedom, for I hold the key
So I guess I’m sailing on, straight through the powers that be
No caution to the devils that slow me, for this is my destiny,
Home, I’m sailing home
And we haven’t seen land for a year now, there’s talk we may never be there
But I know those rumors are shallow, in the deep waters here
I pity the man without a vision, I pity the man of many doubts
A pity I know that he’s a dead man, and a man we’ve got to fly without
Yes we will sail home, we’re asking you to be our shipmate and sail home.
p.s. this is what us christianers call a secular band
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Faithful to the Unfaithful
It never ceases to amaze me how God is absolutely faithful even when I am so unfaithful with what He's given me. He blesses me in so many ways though I fail in twice as many. I can only wonder if I were to actually be faithful in my problem areas the amount of blessing He would bestow upon me. Why is it that everytime I fall or mismanage money or something God is right there to pick up the pieces. It is a constant reminder to me that I am so incapable of walking this walk alone. I get so frustrated following my kids around, making sure they cleaned their room or that they didn't spill their juice or make crumbs in the living room, and now I relize my frustration in totally selfish and ridiculous. This is my prayer "God, will you help me to overcome my relentless selfishness. Will you create in me a heart of compassion to help people and to minister your love to them without any ulterior motives of being recognized by man. Would you allow me to forgive the unforgivable. Regardless of circumstance. Give me strength to embrace the changes of my heart. And thank You for caring for me so much that You would never allow me to be in a place of complacency. In Jesus name....Amen"
Monday, April 11, 2005
The Song the Humble Ear Hears
Ask I walk this whole thing out I'm begining to notice more and more the importance of humility. I realize humility is so much more than thinking "hey, I'm the stuff" or whatever. Check out part of this study (kinda) I'm doing on humility
1Pe 3:4 But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.
This let's us see that a meek and quiet spirit is thought of greatly by God. I'm begining to believe that you cannot make yourself have a meek and quiet spirit because I feel like if you have conciously to do it or think it, then it means that which is hidden in your heart is not humble the way God desires. There is no way I'm saying that true humility is unattainable but there are characteristics to a truly humble person.
Humble Person / vs. / ME
Speaks when spoken to / I always feel I gotta get my word in
Serves others before themselves / Most of the time my needs are most important
Doesn't judge / My sin meeter of comparing my sin with others tends to go off sometimes.
All in all, I know I need some work. God is doing something in me to quiet my spirit, I can feel it. The enemy has been whispering thoughts in my head calling me "The Ministry Jester". He knows my woundedness. You see sometimes with all the deepness going on around me I feel that people don't take my words seriously or as revelation. Whether they do or not, doesn't dispose the lie until Jesus tells me so. So I'm still searching and waiting for God to speak but in the meantime I struggle with validation. I don't have a fear of man, but I do have want from man. Why this is I'm not quite sure. This is my roadblock to humility in it's truest form. How can I have a true meek spirit if I'm (unknown to me sometimes) trying to baffle man with my revelation of God. I prayed today to God that I was so tired of feeling like I gotta say something deep and I felt the Lord say to my spirit.
"That's why it's our secret place. You know things in which I reveal to you in my timing. It's our secret. No one can take that from us, I promise. You know, and I know, that no one hears what I want to say to you, like you do".
After that I was like "WOW".Only I can hear what He wants to say to me. No one else can do that, and unknown to me at the time but now I know, that he validated me, the way my heavenly Father always does. That's all for now, I got harp & bowl briefing in ten minutes. Check out these definitions:
1. Marked by meekness or modesty in behavior, attitude, or spirit; not arrogant or prideful.
2. Showing deferential or submissive respect: a humble apology.
1. Showing patience and humility; gentle.
2. Easily imposed on; submissive.
1. Having or showing a moderate estimation of one's own talents, abilities, and value.
2. Having or proceeding from a disinclination to call attention to oneself; retiring or diffident.
1Pe 3:4 But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.
This let's us see that a meek and quiet spirit is thought of greatly by God. I'm begining to believe that you cannot make yourself have a meek and quiet spirit because I feel like if you have conciously to do it or think it, then it means that which is hidden in your heart is not humble the way God desires. There is no way I'm saying that true humility is unattainable but there are characteristics to a truly humble person.
Humble Person / vs. / ME
Speaks when spoken to / I always feel I gotta get my word in
Serves others before themselves / Most of the time my needs are most important
Doesn't judge / My sin meeter of comparing my sin with others tends to go off sometimes.
All in all, I know I need some work. God is doing something in me to quiet my spirit, I can feel it. The enemy has been whispering thoughts in my head calling me "The Ministry Jester". He knows my woundedness. You see sometimes with all the deepness going on around me I feel that people don't take my words seriously or as revelation. Whether they do or not, doesn't dispose the lie until Jesus tells me so. So I'm still searching and waiting for God to speak but in the meantime I struggle with validation. I don't have a fear of man, but I do have want from man. Why this is I'm not quite sure. This is my roadblock to humility in it's truest form. How can I have a true meek spirit if I'm (unknown to me sometimes) trying to baffle man with my revelation of God. I prayed today to God that I was so tired of feeling like I gotta say something deep and I felt the Lord say to my spirit.
"That's why it's our secret place. You know things in which I reveal to you in my timing. It's our secret. No one can take that from us, I promise. You know, and I know, that no one hears what I want to say to you, like you do".
After that I was like "WOW".Only I can hear what He wants to say to me. No one else can do that, and unknown to me at the time but now I know, that he validated me, the way my heavenly Father always does. That's all for now, I got harp & bowl briefing in ten minutes. Check out these definitions:
1. Marked by meekness or modesty in behavior, attitude, or spirit; not arrogant or prideful.
2. Showing deferential or submissive respect: a humble apology.
1. Showing patience and humility; gentle.
2. Easily imposed on; submissive.
1. Having or showing a moderate estimation of one's own talents, abilities, and value.
2. Having or proceeding from a disinclination to call attention to oneself; retiring or diffident.
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Seriously Considering Looping
Well there may not be very many people who come to this website who will know who I am talking about but anyway that doesn't really matter. I want to say that I am seriously considering releasing my creative energy by doing looping and sampling at area coffee houses. I have long desired to do this before but have been way to busy or just plain tired to muster up the disciplin it takes to be good at it. When I say looping heres what I mean. As a guitar player, bass player, drummer, mandolin player, wind instruments, harmonicas, piano, and a plethora of gizmos it is important for me to express fully my creative side and what God has created in me. By using my looper (which is a gizmo that allows me to play a riff and sample it so it plays over again and then add layers with other instruments) I will be able to release this inner groove that sometimes tkes over my thoughts and expression. There is a guy in the secular scene who does this type of looping named Keller Williams. He is amazing at what he does and is a phenominal guitar player but, if you do decide to listen to him use caution as I said he is very worldly, but anyway. I love playing with people or a band because they are able to contribute ideas that you may never think of and for this i will play with other musicians always but there is something about playing solo that i desire as well. It's like how an artist has many paint brushes and color that he/she utilizes in a picture and it is just them and the canvas. I feel the same about playing solo and looping. It is a chance for me to soley release what God has placed in my heart. Just me, my instruments and the Holy Spirit. Stay tuned for future playing dates as I step out in this thing, Here's a pic of Keller

This pic says it all about Keller

This pic says it all about Keller
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Heavy Things
Well Dave and I were talking the other night because I had mentioned to him that since I've created my blog that I check it everyday for comments. I know that it's some kind of weird blogging syndrome that every blogger goes through disappointment for awhile because of lack of comments. My wife warns me often to not check it everyday because she knows I will be let down. Anyway Dave says "Isn't it funny that you have all this deep insight on your blog and no one comments, but when you put a story about a church mouse or about you having a mullet people commet galore". I guess this shows that such heavy insights are not always what we want or can even endure at times.
Monday, April 04, 2005
Feel free to post
Well hopefully everyone got my invitation and this will be the start of a wonderful relationship
Life's Lessons
Well yesterday I was totally blown away by finding out that someone whom I have conversed and prayed with at least once a week for pretty much the last two years had wondered about my motives in prayer, whether my prayers were godly or not. At first this hurt me personally because I felt that they should know my heart by now. Well that feeling was short lived when I realized that something that came out of my mouth almost sabotaged this person with being involved in the House of Prayer and I shortly realized my hurt feelings are unjustified because the enemy almost took this person out of God's house because of something I prayed. That was a huge learning experience for me. I have always prayed that, if anything, that I would be known as a friend of God. For me there is no other higher way to be esteemed by man then to be known as a friend of God. One time I read that Martin Smith of Delerious had just finished a recording session with Matt Redman and he was quoted saying "When I had left the studio, I knew that I had just been with a friend of God". I relize now that we can't just expect everyone to know are hearts in this way. I have friends that if they mess up in the middle of a prayer and say something that seems outlandish like "Lord let us have selfish love" or "Lord we want to be annointed like when they annointed Aaron's bread", (yes, I said bread) that I know there heart is in love with God and that God knows what they meant. All of us have been so wounded by the wolf in sheeps clothing that it is hard to trust anyone and I know that is just the way the enemy wants it. The words "you can trust me" don't hold much weight anymore. I know that it is hard to tell sometimes who is operating in the false-self but we have to trust that GOD has our best interest at heart. All in all I learned that I am ready to take any blame for whatever I made someone feel because I no longer need to defend myself. I know and trust that Jesus, my Bridegroom loves me for who I am and is the only one who truly knows me and He will cut away every lie that has been spoken over or about me. I am justified through Jesus Christ and Him alone and He is my Defender. Anyway I talked with the person and we are all good and what the ememy has meant for separation Jesus has restored and has proven Himself faithful and the Healer in all thing. Thanks Jesus, to You be the Glory!!!
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Something I've done Well
I'm Learning This Thing

This is me awhile back @ The Crossing Cafe'. Anyway I'm getting more interested in learning this wide world of blogging. I want to be able to post audio clips as well but I know it will take time. My daughter Madisen is having a lot of trouble going to sleep and my excellent wife is taking care of her. I'm not that great at the whole "taking care of" thing but I'm still learning. I'll post a pic of madi so you can see her. That's all for now. Wow, what great insight......whatever.
Saturday, April 02, 2005
And the Music never Stops
O.k. so it's 5 in the morning and the worship continues, just like the heavens. My friend Betsy is leading worship and her singers consist of her and 5 girls who are the ages of 13 and under. It's amazing how much revelation comes out of the mouth of a 9 year old. Could it be that they are not so tainted by the world, I mean half of these kids have basically lived the "house of prayer" lifestyle for 2 years and they are being taught how to meditate on the word of God. I still have to filter so much junk out of my mind before I can actually dimly see the light, that sometimes I leave no different then when I came in. The only reason I have this yes is because God graced me with it since birth. I can remember before I even gave my life to Christ I said to myself "self, once you do this there is no turning back, once you do this you will not be capable of running away again". It's all because God created me with a sold out heart. Whether I served Him or the devourer, I still gave it my all, and with passion I might add. Like Dylan says in essance, no matter what you do, your gonna have to serve somebody. I am so tired. I got noon to 2 slot tommorow, gotta sleep sometime, might as well be now. "Baptize me with your fire Lord" a bold cry coming from the 9 year old. What a chorus!!!
Friday, April 01, 2005
My Virgin Blog
Well this is my first blog and I am in the prayer room for our 24 hour night of worship and my friend Josh encouraged me to start a blog. I have been considering it for quite sometime but I've seen so many cheesy blog sites that I didn't want to add my contribution. These 24 hour weekends are so awsome to get an idea of what Gods heart for the House of Prayer. Well that's all for now, I might just post again tonight, we'll see
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