Well there may not be very many people who come to this website who will know who I am talking about but anyway that doesn't really matter. I want to say that I am seriously considering releasing my creative energy by doing looping and sampling at area coffee houses. I have long desired to do this before but have been way to busy or just plain tired to muster up the disciplin it takes to be good at it. When I say looping heres what I mean. As a guitar player, bass player, drummer, mandolin player, wind instruments, harmonicas, piano, and a plethora of gizmos it is important for me to express fully my creative side and what God has created in me. By using my looper (which is a gizmo that allows me to play a riff and sample it so it plays over again and then add layers with other instruments) I will be able to release this inner groove that sometimes tkes over my thoughts and expression. There is a guy in the secular scene who does this type of looping named Keller Williams. He is amazing at what he does and is a phenominal guitar player but, if you do decide to listen to him use caution as I said he is very worldly, but anyway. I love playing with people or a band because they are able to contribute ideas that you may never think of and for this i will play with other musicians always but there is something about playing solo that i desire as well. It's like how an artist has many paint brushes and color that he/she utilizes in a picture and it is just them and the canvas. I feel the same about playing solo and looping. It is a chance for me to soley release what God has placed in my heart. Just me, my instruments and the Holy Spirit. Stay tuned for future playing dates as I step out in this thing, Here's a pic of Keller

This pic says it all about Keller
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