I've been having some weird dreams lately and I would like to share one for your interpretation. Here's how it goes:
I am walking into my old Jr.High School and I walk into the class and I am obviosly tardy. I pick up some papers at the teachers desk which is in the back of the room. The teacher is teaching at the front of the class and I kinda sneak in unnoticed. Before I know it class is over and I am in the hallway of the school and everyone is frantic trying to make it to the next class. I am with my wife who is encouraging me to come to school and to stop ditching so I won't end up being kicked out. Now the dream starts all over again with the same scenario except now I am being called to the main office where the principal is telling me that I can't be allowed to attend the school any longer. Now I am fighting this and our voices are begining to raise. On my right hand side is a guy from voice acting as a lawyer as why I shoudn't be allowed to attend the school any longer and he is saying all kinds of sarcastic things to put me down. I finally have had enough of this and I challenge him to a fight. He agrees. We both stand up and begin to circle eachother as if in a wrestling match. He then proceeds to shoot for my legs in where I manage to sprawl out put him in a headlock and proceed to punch him in the face repeatedly until he gives up (with a bloody nose) we go back to the pricipals office where the guy from voice changes his mind and begins to say good things about me. The principal says nothing and then I wake up.
Well there ya go. If you got any interpretations let me know
P.S. Think I'll be asked to leave
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
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I don't interpret dreams, but I wouldn't want to be the lawyer guy, cuz I know you could beat me. Perhaps it is your fear of not belonging or being good enough. I think you fought in this dream to prove to this guy that you are worthy and it worked. But don't listen to me, cuz I'm not that good at this kind of stuff.
This isn't really relevant to your post. More so to some things you brought up last night at the Meeting Place.
You were talking about the sin-o-meter, and something about it is ironic that you brought it up. My full-blown commitment to God started about six months ago, and ever since then, I have been wearing my life on my sleeve. For the most part, I am experiencing something I didn't quite expect. Most of the friends I thought were close are melting away, distancing themselves, gossiping about me. Right away I became bitter, with a resounding "Am I not worthy of being loved?" in my heart.
With that experience, and God holding on tight to me, I began to realize that not only was -I- being judged, but how judgemental I myself was. I never thought of myself as judgemental. I was always a friend to those everyone talked about in school, and I tried to play nice with everyone, but I never really got close to anyone my age. I've always been drawn to people who are older, especially Christian women. It just seemed to me that they would understand me on a deeper level than anyone else my age possibly could.
And that's exatly where I was judgemental. We do it without even thinking. We label, and none of it's right. We have to treat each individual as they come, because in the end, there are no stereotypical people, right?
What I'm wondering is this -- how do we break ourselves of this? Is transparency truly attainable?
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