Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Rich Inspires Me

I have always been a fan of Rich Mullins ever since I got saved. His lyrics are something I can relate too, not to mention hearing the passion in his voice when he sings. I was blessed enough to get his dvd at the library last week. The dvd includes a 15 to 16 song set live at Studio B. and some excerpts from a 2 day seminar held at Lesea. Through watching this dvd you could tell Rich was a man very fed up with the christian culture and how we use, what I'll call, christian entertainment as one of our main sources of worship. So when we go to these concerts and we expect that the singer or songwriter should lead us into worship, we are really the ones who suffer. There is such a thing as christian entertainment, and guess what, it's not a bad thing. If we all had our priorities straight we wouldn't have to worry about other peoples. God will deal with us and he will set our priorities straight. See we (I believe) as christians (including myself) have this view of what a good christian should look like. So we spend our whole lives trying to live up to that view instead of letting God change us. I love music. Sometimes I don't want to be serious. God knows this about me and I don't think He minds. He wants me to have fun and be happy and enjoy the life and family He's given me. But God also knows I love to worship and He loves to be worshiped. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that, you can worship anywhere. But don't expect others to when you think they should. Worship is between you and Him. It's one of those things that should be done in secret as well as corporate. If your not worshiping in secret, and your waiting for that corporate meeting to worship. You might want to rethink your gameplan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen brother! It is our secret time and relations with the Lord that girds us and blossoms us......