Monday, May 09, 2005

Elephant Talk

There is much peace in the prayer room today. Jesus is really giving me peace. I'm finding myself not getting excited about talk anymore. People talk so much and others get excited and people say things and others jump up and down. IT'S ALL TALK. Nothing more than talk. Give me something real, something that will last. The more I read the Gospels the more I see Jesus' heart for people. Jesus wasn't about building ministry He was about people. And He wasn't about making people comfortable (Matt 8:19-20) but in getting them to understand the kingdom. How can I be more like this man? I will gladly give up my world for His.


abc said...

This is exactly how I am feeling. People can talk to me and talk to me, but I need the Lord to speak to me. I feel as though my healing will not come until He does

Anonymous said...

i am all about... "a little less talk and a lot more action." but in a positive non-sexual way.