Thursday, May 12, 2005

O Foolish Men

So I'm reading Luke 24 and I come upon the part that talks about how there were two guys on the road to Emmaus. They're talking about all the things that had happened and out of nowhere, Jesus begins traveling with them. The word says that their eyes were prevented from recognizing Him. Then Jesus asks them what they were talking about and they start telling Him all the hope they had in this man Jesus and then how He was delivered to the sentence of death and they were hoping He would redeem Israel. Then they talked about the others not being able to find His body and just how confused they were. After this Jesus calls them fools and slow of heart. Then He explained the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures. Anyway my point is that these guys had a dream. A dream of deliverance and hope that Jesus would redeem all of Israel and they really thought they knew what it looked like. Jesus was right in front of them and they couldn't see Him. What prevented them from seeing Him. I believe it was there dream. How many of us let our dream blur our vision when Jesus is right in front of us. Even when we think the dream is of God. Sometimes it prevents us from seeing Jesus

Luke 24 that's right....the whole chapter

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