Friday, June 03, 2005

Song Plotting

Well in a recent post I said I would post some of the song lyrics I have written in the past. I enjoy how a song can bring a different feeling when you read the lyrics as a poem. There is no melody nor chords to deter you from the raw meaning of the words. However there is a plus side in using music to portray the emotion of the words. Anyway here are the lyrics to a song I wrote in 2002 called:

"Strangely I Find"

I've been pushed down, face in the ground, runnin around but it's all in my head
No matter how hard it gets it seems I'll get back on my feet again.
I know You know that it hurts sometimes. A reality I just cannot hide.
With so many ups and downs, to stuff it away it doesn't seem right.

Strangely I find, that it all works for the better.
Strangely I find, it's a test to make me stronger.
Strangely I find, there's a love that takes me higher.
Than I've ever been and I'm telling you it's real

Broken, once again, looking for a friend I am in need.
When freedom comes I won't just stand there, cause when I'm free He says I am free indeed
I keep telling myself I should press in and never walk away.
If your like me when you gave your life to the King then you are here to stay.

Strangely I find, that it all works for the better.
Strangely I find, it's a test to make me stronger.
Strangely I find, there's a love that takes me higher.
Than I've ever been and I'm telling you it's real

Well that's it for that song. This is a way to really get inside my head. You see writing for me has to be real, in an emotional sense. Writing a corporate worship song is totally different than writing, say a, reflective song. Sometimes the Lord will release a corporate worship song and sometimes you write a song completely to Him and vice versa. Not all songs are corporate worship songs. Some songs are to be enjoyed by a listener who can specifically relate to what the writer is saying about life. You see I only write what I know, as do other writers. Write now I have writers block. Next I will post a song that is half way done and I will take suggestions from my lovely readers. If I pick your lyrics, you get the credit. I know big whoop. It could be fun. Love you guys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

coolness... i am waiting with baited breath :-)