Friday, August 31, 2007

I Miss My Friends

I would like to say that I miss Kris and Jean. There is rarely a time when you run across a brother who not only is fun to hang out with but is as real as it gets. Kris was and is just that to me. Here was a man that seemed to never judge me for my mistakes and only encouraged me to be all that God wants me to be. He never said those specific words to me but through his actions and him sharing his struggles with me, I would assume it would be something he would say. We are on this journey and it never fails that God will bring the right people into your life at the right time. Kris undoubtedly taught me how to relax and let God work things out. And all of this he did by just living his life. A servant and a brother he is. I would just like to say that it is very rare when people like this come along. This is for Jean too. These are the kind of people that open their home to people in need and give their time for the good of the cause. They live it out, every stinking hard step that it is, they live it out. When they left, there was no grand send off, no tears, no remember whens, no recognition of service. Let it be said that God uses people like this because they never looked for recognition. Only some friends to share their lives with. One of the last things I said to Kris and Jean before they left was "Well man, I just want you to know that you guys will always have friends up north, remember that." I trust that being called a friend to them, is just as important as it is to me, and as it is to God. It is an honor to have them as friends. It makes me want to look around and see what valuable friendships I have overlooked because of just plain stupidness. Kill the clique, find a friend.

*Kris and Jean don't actually dress like this - this was an 80's party

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Stress Relieva

Here are some pics of my new bike. It is really fun and peaceful to ride around town while copping a cool breeze. I was washing it today and noticed a piece of metal sticking out of my back tire. Most likely a nail from driving on C.R. 26 and all the construction. Not sure how much a new tire will be but the bike is wrapped up till I get one. To think I've rode this long and haven't noticed scares me, though it could have happened today. I'm not sure what I would do if the tire burst while going 65. Probably curl into a ball and pray for the best.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Oh Jeez

My friend Ryan who moved to South Carolina awhile ago came for a visit. Ryan is a real friend and has been hugely missed by me. For me, he is a breath of fresh air because he pursues God in a way that most people don't. Fervently. Ryan is a gifted painter and musician and I just miss hanging out. Sometimes I struggle with boredom. Not that I want to be constantly doing something because I love to relax too, but there seems to be a fine line. Let me give an example of an average thought process that creates a feeling of boredom."Hmm, I'm bored maybe I should find something to do, well, I'm sick of the Internet, Every video game I have I've played a million times, T.V. is lame and there is nothing interesting ever on and Seinfeld doesn't come on till' like ten, Maybe I should read, Arrrg reading makes me tired and I don't want to sleep." That's just an example, I know, I know, I should pray or do something constructive but let me tell ya folks, I've made it a habit to pray continually through conversation in my normal relationship with Jesus, not to say that I shouldn't make time to meditate. But at this time, I hardly have the attention span. I know maybe I can go for a ride (motorcycle that is). That always seems to clear my mind in a way that nothing else can. And it relieves boredom. In other news it's interesting to see the many changes taking place as I mentioned in my last post. Through everything I notice more and more the changes that are happening in me. How God is allowing me to understand the dynamics in relationships and how they work. I'm not saying that I have attained anything. Far from it. But God is letting me grow and I can say, I'm not who I was yesterday.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

New Things Are A Comin'

God, has been so generous, to allow me to go through many things in my life up to this point. I feel like I have certainly learned many things and I am still learning many others. For some reason, God has allowed me to enter into a somewhat new journey, that being leading worship for the Voice Ministries Sunday service known as Voice 17. It has been really exciting to watch what God has been doing to this Ministry and it's leaders. It seems that God is restoring a family atmosphere within the ministry. There is a realness returning. Through all of this, it will be my job to create a worship team from scratch. Though it may have it's crazy moments, I'm positive that God will use this time to allow even more growth in our understanding of what it means to be a worshipper of Christ.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Blog Envy

Man, I really envy those who can keep a blog going nonstop. It's been two months since my last blog and I bet my poor mother is just beside herself about the whole thing. She calls me and says "Ok Eric, I'm tired of looking at those clouds." When I first started this thing I wanted the coolest blog on the block but I guess sometimes that life takes over instead. I always go to my site and I'm like "I should write something, ehhh, I'm to tired." Well today I guess I could write about my new motorcycle, which I might add is one of the biggest stress relievers I've ever known. Well at least while riding, maybe not the payment thing. I ride it everywhere. Erin likes it to, at least I think she does. We have the kids so her rides are far and few between. I said if she got her license/permit
I would teach her how to drive it, but when I said that, she just looked at me weird. There are quite possibly a lot of changes on the horizon, some of which I can't talk about now. But, please pray a quick prayer when your done or while reading this. Pray that Gods timing would prevail. That's all.