Thursday, June 29, 2006

WARNING!!WARNING!!..(the post under this is not meant to judge anyone at all but meant to encourage, if I judge anyone in this post it is myself.)

Please, if you are going to read the post "Man of Faith" do not be led to believe I am judging harshly in any way. I am simply ranting particular feelings. I believe the undertone of the post is to encourage myself and hopefully encourage the reader. I will however take your comments to the following. I encourage thought and debate :)

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Man Of Faith

My life is not perfect. I struggle in every possible way and often think that I'll never really be able to change. My mind wonders to the depths of despair and I never fail to find myself wishing for better times. I seem to want to find this super equation that helps me understand my purpose in this world. Truth is, I wallow in my own punishment. It would be so easy to turn into a person who blames society or "the man" or others who just don't have it figured out. To turn my angst to politicians and to the world, to muster up some kind of cause to protest against. Even blame the church and religion for being hypocrites and liars. But the truth is, I have been given life. I have been created to love. I am fearfully and wonderfully made by the Creator of all beings who sits on a throne and marvels in the lives of His creation and people. "Peace be still" He says to the storm clouds of my soul "I have chosen you". I have but one request of my God. That His will be accomplished in my life that I might one day stand before Him in everlasting eternity. You see, if you don't believe in God, or you do but not "The One True God" there is a longing that is never filled in our souls. We have but one chance to sit at the table of the Lord. And the only way to accomplish this it to believe. Believe that in all of this chaos and random times of joy that we are in the process of being made whole. Are you whole? Or is something missing? Can you honestly say you are complete? There comes a day in surrender when you have exhausted all of your options and you look up through a lightning filled blood red sky and say "You are my portion my God my Savior, no matter what, I will follow. Though You slay me, I will trust You Lord" The answer is found in the One who has been brutally slain. Jesus is as real as it gets folks and trust me I have searched for other means and have followed other desires. Jesus is the only One who has not betrayed me or left me in any way. But it has been I who has gone astray. I understand there are religious pretenders out there who kill the word Christianity with their money grubbing and rules of salvation and their betrayal of love to those hurting, and to them I pray swift reconciliation. But also believe this. There are those out there who have really lived the life, and stood their ground for the sake of a very real God. What drives such men and women to endure every pain in life.......I believe the answer is faith. Faith in a King, a Friend and a Lover. Would you die for what you believe in? Would you endure ridicule and humiliation and face the mockery of your friends and family for believing in an ever criticized religion. I propose this. Christianity is not a religion, it is life. It will cost you everything to walk out the will of God for your life. It is the most painful and the most rewarding. You know what is really important in your life when you can say you are willing to die for it. Be encouraged and have faith. For this life is but a vapor. Let the beauty and mystery of Jesus capture your every waking breath....and live life.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

A New Leaf

Well I said that I would try to post every Friday and it has now been over a month since I last posted. Speaking of, I saw a great T-Shirt yesterday that a friend was wearing. It was all black and on the front in red letters it said "Procrastinators Unite Tomorrow". I was like "Dude that shirt rocks". As you can see I identified with it. Than I got to thinking, "Man I am so that way in my spiritual life and life in general that I have suffered consequences in both." In my spiritual walk I have said things like, "I need to read the word more or I need more time with the Lord, I need to spend more time with my family discussing Godly things" in the natural I have been known to put bills off, and avoid situations that need attention, and say "I need to write more". Yesterday I noticed finally and harshly, I am a procrastinator. And for once it didn't feel like a joke, it felt real. Not that I want to read the word and pray more because of performance based relation with God, but because I know I will benefit from it in my decision making for my future and for the lives of my kids. In essence I need to stop talking about how I am a Christian and in love with God and actually BE a Christian and LOVE God. I and my generation hurts because of this horrible trait, and we seem to just wait for everything to fix itself. I don't know about you but I want my yes to be yes. Friday