Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Good To Be Free

I was thinking the other day about my walk with God. I am so not the person I was 3 years ago and that person was so not who I was 7 years ago when I gave my life to Jesus. A walk that I percieved to be so difficult becomes easier as I understand Jesus's perspective and love for me. I find myself crying a lot more and the fact that it is ok feel's so good. The tears are not always regetful memories but an overbearing feeling of how unworthy I am, but at the same time knowing my worth in Jesus (if that makes sense). For once I am excited about the next place God will have me. I feel the lessons learned are tough and take a long time to understand but the Lord only reveals revelation to a man when the time is right. So the seed can go deep and the roots take hold. Revelation is so good because it takes your secret live and demolishes it. What I do in secret is now revealed to myself, because there was no revelation before, I had know idea how I was grieving the heart of God in my own selfish ways. I know I have a long way to go, but it feels good to be free.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey man!! it's Bekah here. i just wanted to say hi and comment on your site since no one has yet. i know how it feels when no one comments on your site. i have a xanga now dude.and i have made a decision to write one SCHOOL OF ROCK line every entry!!
keep smiling, hang in there and everything will be aok i promise.