Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Well we have started recieving the Ihop-KC web feed at our home and it has been really awesome. The worship has been really good and you can just sense the level of annointing and blessing that God has bestowed on this house of prayer. They are on a different level since a couple of years ago. The flow is so natural and not pre-determined. I especially enjoy Misty's nights as well as Clay Edwards, Justin Rizzo and Shawna Forrey. These worship leaders are exceptionally well and their teams are tremendous. If you get achnce check em out. For the prayer room schedule and webcast go here
We have been recieving the free web cast under the Global Bridegroom Fast link. It says that it is available free the first Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of every month. For some reason the link has worked since my wife and I started using it last week. Maybe it's God knowing how much that we need to be refreshed. There is something about KC and their(Gods)house of prayer. I think it might be that they are walking in their specific calling. Nothing more, nothing less. The ministry is in the will of the Father. Their not trying to build something. They are just being obidient to God, not man. Anyway, God is a good father.

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