Thursday, May 19, 2005

The Blues

So I've been totally sick for the past 2 weeks and I keep asking God "why, why, why". The last thing I heard the Lord say in the midst of a fit of coughing and holding my side in pain was "Do you trust Me". Without hesitating I was like "YES". This resounding yes was instantly in my heart. Now I am waiting on the results of a C.T. scan in which doctors will tell me what's wrong with my lungs. I will find out on Friday. Ultimately, and the way my personality is I always figure the worst is gonna happen, so this whole ordeal has shaken me a bit. But I do trust Him. I can say that without a doubt. I have know idea the sovereign plans of God. But I want to be in His will. The doctors still don't know what's wrong with my ankles (they are swollen and bruised for apparently no reason). It is hard to walk but the Ibuprofren helps. I'm so sick of taking pills everyday, it's making me feel weird. Well I'm gonna go now, See ya'll later.


abc said...

Hey preacher boy, I am praying for you. Remember that the shaking is a good thing. I know everything will turn out ok. Keep going!!!!

Anonymous said...

eric - praying for you.