Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Life, Love, Regrets And Dreams

I cried like a baby last night. It felt so good to let out worries, fears and failures in the way a balling on the couch and just thinking about life. I feel better today but I know there is more to be released. It hurt physically to cry so I probably didn't let it all out. I get to this point where I look at my kids and I just want the absolute best for them and I want them to learn and be free to be themselves. I need to work on being an example more in the life of my children. I want them to see me loving their mom the way Christ loves the church. I had a dream last night that was interesting. I was in an old church similar to mine now. Somethings happened and I found myself in the basement of the church kinda through a boiler room door. Some friends of mine (Kris was one I recognized) were down there and a couple of leadership people (Dave and Denny). They were all dressed in different color garbage man type suits, you know the one piece things and were pretty dirty. Someone said "It's been a hard days work" and someone replied "No, it's been a good days work" Then I found myself being in a surreal state of them laughing as I was moving backwards and the door was being closed on me, as the door closed the smiling face closing it turned very serious and stoned faced. Hope that made sense. Anyway I welcome interpretation for this dream. I think I understand the working in the basement of the church thing but all of it was to weird at this point to handle.

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