Sunday, August 14, 2005

Twenty Somethings Should Not Be In Youth Group

So I'm talking to a good friend today and it dawns on me an article I read in Relevant Magazine. Well it wasn't so much an article as it was a n advertisement but it said in huge letters that jumped out to me , "twenty somethings should not still be in youth group". My first thought was, "Amen" and then I left it alone. There was a time before I began pondering the call of my fellow twenty something patrons and was so inebriated by the lack of gusto and how our generation has been looked over time and time again. Not that we shouldn't be , I mean we do have obvious ties with laziness, disengagement, blatant sin, and a significant level of noncommitment (if that's a word). I'll be the first to say I have been a part of all these things but I also see the influence in my life from the generation before me. My parents were divorced when I was ten. So I did not have much to be stable with. My father wasn't there for me all the time as a father because he had his own dreams and ambitious to fulfill. My mom tried very hard but also fell to her own addictions. By the age of 16 I was fighting for my own and very quickly I learned how to cheat, rob and steal. Now that was the path I chose for me, I could have easily done the school rout and blah, blah, blah. I had a lot of friends who did go the school rout and they struggled with the same issues that I did. Abandonment, love, staying committed, purpose and just life. I can say this, twenty somethings are passionate, we can spot a fake a mile away, we also want something legit. I guess what I am saying is that it would be nice to have a group of people meeting together who are twenty somethings that are single, married (with and without kids) from all walks of life and have someone to pour into them/us who are our age and have and is walking this thing in reality. More later gotta go.

1 comment:

abc said...

I agree. When I was a single mom in my twenties, I was the only one at my church. They didn't know what to do with me either. And then when Ed and I got married, all the other couples who had kids our kids' ages were in their 30's and 40's. I never felt like I fit in. There must be more for twenty-somethings who want to pursue God. And they don't belong with the youth. That can be a reciepe for disaster. Now that I'm in my 30's, I feel like there are more people my age and in a similar life situation. But my 20's were tough. I feel for you, pal. By the way, glad your feeling better!