Saturday, October 22, 2005


A couple days ago I fell asleep siting up on my couch. Needless to say that I woke up with the worst kink in my neck and shoulder that I've ever felt. I hope it will go away soon. I have been writing songs lately and have learned to embrace the frustrations of writing worship music. I mean anyone can write a congragational worship song. I'm talking about a song that grips the listener. I have learned that my worship in this season is more reverent than rejoicing. I would like to find the joy in worship, so I can actually say "there's no other place I'd rather be" because when it comes down to it, it's not true. So I don't want to write a song of false statements just because they sound good to the church. What I've found is that preparation through prayer is the way to go. Because it sets my spirit in the right place to convey my true emotion towards God. So at the time when I write, my statement is true "there's no other place I'd rather be". I did however through this process write a new song called "I believe" which is a song about choosing faith instead of circumstance. It says something along the lines of "even when I can't see, when Your right in front of me, I believe". Faith is simply believing Jesus is who He says He is, regardless of evidence. Choosing to worship regardless of what we are going through or where we are. Saying "I believe You are the Christ"


Anonymous said...

i love you eric! and have i told you today how proud i am of you?
check out moms xanga site mamawincocoa. maybe that's one way to get ahold of you!!!!!

Anonymous said...

one of my favorite songs that you have written is rescue me. i love that song, it is so powerful.

but what you were saying about belief and faith...yeah. sometimes our eyes are so veiled to the truth staring us in the face, so we place a seemingly blind faith/trust in what we can not see... we choose it when it looks foolish and ridiculous to everyone else...

Anonymous said...

I LOVED your song today! I felt the heartbeat of the Lord.....I just loved it! You are walking in yourb calling. Crazy isn't it? When you think about what hell you went thru to have a heart that is so pliable and passionate in pursuit of Him...... I just totally dig that.....It all makes it worth it doesn't it?