Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The Rocks Cry Out

This is a song called "Home" that I discovered on the web. I like to do random searches of low key bands because most of the time it seems that they haven't been corupted by popularity or money. So anyway, the band is called "Pure Noodle" and they are no longer playing together and as a matter a fact they called it quits a few years ago. This was the last song on their last album. To the ones who read this I have but one question for you. Are the rocks crying out?

Home-written by pure noodle

My Body is tired of wasting, in the prison of sin where I’m bound
But I hear the call of my captain, such a musical sound
He says child sail away from your sorrow, and come find your life at sea
We choose between shackles or freedom, for I hold the key
So I guess I’m sailing on, straight through the powers that be
No caution to the devils that slow me, for this is my destiny,

Home, I’m sailing home

And we haven’t seen land for a year now, there’s talk we may never be there
But I know those rumors are shallow, in the deep waters here
I pity the man without a vision, I pity the man of many doubts
A pity I know that he’s a dead man, and a man we’ve got to fly without
Yes we will sail home, we’re asking you to be our shipmate and sail home.

p.s. this is what us christianers call a secular band

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if you know this, so I will share with you. The comment you left on my journal was somewhat prophetic. Even when I read this one line: "don't ever put your faith or trust in man, because he will let you down everytime", I felt myself rebelling against the truth of it. God would not have any of that. Over the past two weeks, he has drug me through the mud trying to teach me to lean on Him, and not on man around me. I'm stubborn, human flesh, and I know I have not quite absorbed it yet. But my eyes are opened now, and it started with your comment, so thank you.

And on another note, those lyrics are beautiful... I especially am drawn to the first two lines. Thank you for sharing. :)