Friday, July 15, 2005

This Day Happens Once A Year, Don't They All?

Well today is my birthday and I am 29 years old. I guess in a couple of years I'll finally have to start acting like an a adult. To be honest there were many times I thought that I would never make it this far. I used to live a very destructive life style, I mean with the coke binges and frequent lsd use. Anyway, I never could have imagined where I am now with a absolute beautiful wife and three smart, wonderful kids and a forth hangin out in ma's tummy. God has truly blessed me beyond my unfaithfulness. I guess what I mean is that there are so many times that I choose the flesh over Gods will and commands and He continues to love me and bless me. Right now I am being wrecked in the name of Jesus. Sometimes it feels good because I realize that I need to start over in some areas in my life and Jesus made that possible, even with us Christians, who probably sin more than the heathen at times. Well, love to all and don't be afraid of the heavenly hammer....let it smack ya sometimes instead of runnin away.


Anonymous said...

hey man... didnt even know it was your bday. i didn't even get you anything. ummm... we'll see what we can do about that.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!! DUDE why don't you tell people!!! Butthead! anyway, Happy birthday. Hope all is going well!!!

Anonymous said...

as usual I am in complete agreement and in the same boat about your fraying from the Lord. May we all surrender and embrace the hammer... :)